Sun xVM VirtualBox
Right on time, the next major VirtualBox version is released – VirtualBox 3.0.0!
Major changes in VirtualBox 3.0
The two major improvements in VirtualBox 3.0 can be summed up like this:
- multi-processor VMs – guest SMP with up to 32 virtual CPUs (VT-x and AMD-V only)
- graphics improvements: Direct3D 8/9 (Windows guests only) and OpenGL 2.0 (Windows, Linux and Solaris guests)
Updated functionality in VirtualBox 3.0
There are, as always, quite a few bugfixes and new features. These ones seemed interesting to me, but be sure to check out the full VirtualBox 3.0 changelog:
- VMM: eliminated IO-APIC overhead with 32 bits guests (VT-x only) – looks like there won't be a performance penalty for using IO-APIC anymore
- VRDP: support Windows 7 RDP client
- Linux guests: new daemon vboxadd-service to handle time synchronization and guest property lookup
- USB: Support for high-speed isochronous endpoints (Linux hosts only, will help with webcameras)
- GUI: settings dialog changed – looks much better organized now, and obviously supports all the newly introduced features.
Is there an easy way to convert a Parallels VM for use with VirtualBox?
Curious as to how this Desktop Virtualization product by Citrix (XenDesktop) compares to Virtual Box?